Heme Synthesis
Important Points About Heme Synthesis:
Why is heme synthesis important? Heme is necessary to make hemoglobin. Any defect in the process is going to negatively impact the ability of blood to carry oxygen and CO2 through the blood so it's important our bodies get this process right.
Heme Synthesis defects and disorders: If you're in medical school or a clinical science program, know how heme synthesis impacts the following disorders and issues:
Acute Intermittent porphyria
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Variegate porphyria
Lead Poisoning
Sideroblastic Anemia
Intermediate Mnemonic
Get some additional points for having understood the correct pathway process for heme. (credit: Dirty Medicine)
Get - Glycine
Some - Succinyl CoA
Additional - Aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
Points (for) - Porphobilinogen (PBG)
Having - Hydroxymethylbilane (AKA Linear tetrapyrrole)
Understood (the) - Uroporphyrinogen III
Correct - Coproporphyrinogen III
Pathway - Protoporphyrinogen-IX
Process (for) - Protoporphyrin
Heme - Heme
Review Videos:
Heme Synthesis Pathway (and Associated Diseases) - This Dirty Medicine covers the pathway, associated diseases and memory tools.
Heme Synthesis - This lecture by MadMedicine is a good review if you can't get through the matching game above.
Other Resources:
An Overview of Heme Biosynthesis - Simple overview to read with images and a short video.
Regulation of Heme Synthesis- Article in Frontiers including many diagrams. This goes into more depth if you're in a biochem class that expects you to really understand the process.